Yanbo Chen 「陈彦伯」

I am a third-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Ottawa, advised by Andrej Bogdanov. My research interests are mainly in cryptography.

Before I came to Ottawa, I spent one semester at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I received my B.Sc. in Computer Science in 2021 from Fudan University, where I also worked for one year as a research assistant, host by Yunlei Zhao.

Email: ychen918 AT uottawa.ca

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Dazzle: Improved Adaptive Threshold Signatures from DDH
Yanbo Chen
To Appear at PKC 2025 [ePrint]

DualMS: Efficient Lattice-Based Two-Round Multi-Signature with Trapdoor-Free Simulation
Yanbo Chen
Crypto 2023 [ePrint]

Half-Aggregation of Schnorr Signatures with Tight Reductions
(Possibly Better Title: Incremental and Sequential Half-Aggregation of Schnorr Signatures)
Yanbo Chen, Yunlei Zhao
ESORICS 2022 [ePrint] [pdf]


CSI 2101: Discrete Structures (Winter 2025), at uOttawa. Teaching assistant.

CSI 4103/5138: Great Algorithms (Fall 2024), at uOttawa. Corrector.

CSI 2101: Discrete Structures (Winter 2024), at uOttawa. Teaching assistant.

CSCI 3130: Formal Languages and Automata Theory (Fall 2022), at CUHK. Teaching assistant.